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时间:2018-08-15 来源: 作者: 点击:

姓 名 


 性 别  籍 贯 陕西西安


 学位/职称   博士/助理研究员  政治面貌  中共党员
 简 介





    2009 – 2013 微生物学博士,丹麦哥本哈根大学自然科学学院,导师:Soren J Sorensen

      10/2011 – 04/2012  访问学者,比利时烈日大学 (ULg),导师:Frank Delvigne                   

    2010 – 2013  访问学者,丹麦科技大学 (DTU),导师:Anna Eliasson Lantz                      

    2005 – 2008 发酵工程学硕士,西北农林科技大学                                                                 

    2001 – 2005  生物工程学学士,西北农林科技大学                                                                 


    1. Alison Brognaux, Shanshan Han, Frédéric Lebeau, Philippe Thonart, Frank Delvigne. On-line flow cytometry profiling of Escherichia coli stress response. 2013. Communications in agricultural and applied biological sciences.

    2. Alison Brognaux, Shanshan Han, Soren J Sorensen, Frédéric Lebeau, Philippe Thonart, Frank Delvigne. A low-cost, multiplexable, automated flow cytometry procedure for the characterization of microbial stress dynamics in bioreactors. Microbial Cell Factories. 201312:100.

    3. Han, S., Delvigne, F., Brognaux, A., Charbon, G. E. & Sorensen, S. J. Design of growth-dependent biosensors based on destabilized GFP for the detection of physiological behavior of Escherichia coli in heterogeneous bioreactors. Biotechnol. Prog. 29, 553–63 (2013).

    4. Anna-Lena Heins, Ted Johanson, Shanshan Han, Rita Lencastre Fernandes, Luisa Lundin, Gitte E Charbon, Magnus Carlquist, Krist V. Gernaey, Soren J. Sorensen, and Anna Eliasson Lantz. Population heterogeneity distributions in Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae continuous cultivations as a response to growth rate and glucose perturbation. (unpublished data)

    5. Luisa Lundin, Shanshan Han, Inês Nunes, Anna-Lena Heins, Rita LencastreFernandes, Gitte Charbron, Waleed Abu Al-Soud, Anna Eliasson Lantz, Krist Gernaey, Soren J.

 专  利


主要主持/参与项目     1. Targeting population heterogeneity at microscale for robust fermentation processes (project number EIB.08.031), Denmark.

    2. Towards robust fermentation processes by targeting population heterogeneity at microscale (project number 09-065160), Denmark.

    3. Fond de la recherche scientifique (FRS-FNRS), Belgium.

    4. Design, construct, and implement biological circuits in microorganisms with the aim of improving biological production of high value ingredients, Denmark.


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